On the 8th of October 2016 our class 4HMB and the 4HFA flew together with our English teachers Ms Dorothea Ernegger and Ms Karin Schilbach, accompanied by Ms Cornelia Längle and Ms Bernadette Aberidis, to England for a language week. After the arrival we drove to Brighton, where we first met our host families. This was the start of our amazing experience in the beautiful city of Brighton.
Language school
In the EC language school we had four completely English-focused lessons a day where we did a lot of talking and thus improved our speaking skills. We were divided into small groups which made the lessons more pleasant and also made us participate more. Every group had a different programme planned for the day, our group for example, made a trip to the centre of Brighton at one point.
Between spending time with our host families and going to school we had plenty of trips and tours planned. One of the most memorable trips for us was visiting London, the Royal Pavilion as well as exploring the Seven Sisters Cliffs between Seaford and Eastbourne. We also had some free time everyday which included shopping, spending time on the beach or at the pier.
We all had the chance to see that England is a beautiful country which most of us want to visit again and if you want to get an impression of our language week, you can also watch a footage made by our colleagues from 4HMB.
We hope to visit Brighton again sometime soon and we also hope that this text made you as interested in the city as we were.
Natalia Sendyk and Kyra Simonovicova